The best way to connect with your audience is through a story.

Brand strategy, copywriting, SEO-driven content, I do them all but, above all, I am a storyteller.

From top London agencies like AMV BBDO to start-ups, I’ve crafted my skills to create page-turning stories for clients in almost every sector, and for readers of my own books.

My first love

It all started when I was seven years old and wrote my first poems. (Bubbles was one of the first.) Even then, I knew that writing was my calling. And when I won a Jimmy Osmond patch for one of those poems, followed by a radio and a camera, I knew this was the life for me. Writing has always been my first love, and it has led me to write three books, hundreds of articles and countless blog posts. But no matter what I'm working on, I always keep one thing in mind: the words we use have the power to shape our world.

Powerful narratives

I left a successful career as a brand planner in London's top ad agencies to help purposeful entrepreneurs tell their stories, and purpose-driven companies create powerful narratives. Since launching, I've worked with purpose-led brands like Rachel Entwistle Jewellery and Lily's Kitchen, helping them to craft compelling stories that connect with their customers and drive business growth. 

Light people up with your purpose

In a world of infinite choices, people want to do business with the people and brands that light them up. That’s where I come in. I write copy and content that help my clients connect with their customers and convert them into fans and evangelists. By aligning my client’s purpose with the needs and desires of their customers, I create an emotional connection that fuels loyalty and advocacy. So if you’re looking for someone to help you connect with your customers on a deeper level and create conversions that last, you’ve found your match. Let’s light some fires!

Connecting with your reader

What I’ve learned is that the best writing isn’t about impressing people with your word-smithing skills. It’s about connecting with your reader on a deep level and inspiring them to take action.

It all starts with understanding what makes your customers tick. Why do they do what they do? What are their values and how do they want to be seen in the world? In what ways are they heroes? Once we have a clear understanding of these things, the rest is simply a matter of choosing the words that will best tell the story.

Every business has a story

Whether I’m working with a solopreneur or a large company, my work is based on the principles of storytelling, and I believe that every business has a story to tell. A good story can connect with customers on an emotional level, and create engagement and loyalty. A great story can also inspire people to take action, and lead them towards your brand’s desired outcome. If you want to change the world, or even just make a dent in it, start by finding your story and then telling it well.

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